Forgotten By the Light is a horror game set in a metro station haunted by the past. In this prototype, the player's primary goal is to stay in the light in order to survive. 
My role in this prototype was to design the base 3D Models that will be used in the base game. Learning a new program for this video game, Maya, proved to be a slight learning curve spending most of my time learning the program. After continuous practice over the three weeks, I was able to begin to adapt to the new program.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
With many different types of metro cars worldwide, I found the most recognizable metro car to be those in New York City. New York Cities metro carts are often found to be referenced in many different forms of media, being nationally recognizable. With ease of recognition in mind, I decided to use New York Cities metros as reference for the exterior model.
The metro system is the most important model of the game, as it provides the complete exterior the player will navigate. With this in mind, in order to create a plan for navigation and style I started out by sketching ideas of how we wanted to the Metro Station to look, as well as unique pathing methods.
After deciding what pathing method we would like to pursue, we needed to find reference for the interior space. Upon studying metro systems from all across the world, we decided that the London Underground was the most referenceable for the feeling we wanted the player to endure in the space. After deciding on this reference, I created the space for the player to navigate for this prototype.
Our main goal of the prototype was for the player to navigate the space using light. With this in mind, the most important model to create within our newly formed space would be a source of light. With the size of our space, it felt most fitting to create a tall lamppost to create this lighting pathing.
Beginning to explore narrative, a ghostly figure was deemed as most important to convey a slight hint as to the future for the narrative of the game. Using very basic structure and shape, I created a lengthy figure later used as a figure the player is made to follow.
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